Chào Mừng Quí Khách đã đến với Gia Đình Anh Ngữ Cho Người ViệtConsonant Blends, Digraphs, Trigraphs | Trang chủ |
Các từ vựng thông thường bắt đầu bằng phụ âm ghép hay gọi là pha trộn
(consonant digraphs hay consonant blends) :
bl | br | ch | cl | cr | dr | fl |
blab black blackberry blackbird blackmail blacksmith bladder blade blah blame blanche bland blandish blank blanket blaring blarney blast blatant blaze bleach bleachers bleak bleary bleat bled bleed bleep blemish blend blender bless blew blight blimp blind blindfold blini blink blinkers blintz blip bliss blister blithe blitz blizzard bloat blob block blockade blockbuster blockhead bloke blonde blood bloom blooper blossom blot blotch blouse blow blowtorch blubber bludgeon blue blueberry bluejay bluff blunder blunt blur blurry blurt blush bluster blustery | brace bracelet bracket brad brag braid brain brake bramble bran brand branch brass brat brave brawny bray breach bread break breath breathe bred breed breeze brew briar bribe brick bride bridge brief brig bright brilliant brim brine bring brink brisk bristle brittle broad broccoli broil broken bronco bronze brood brooch brook broom broth brother brought brow brown browse bruise brunette brush brutal | chain chair chalk challenge chamber champion chance change channel chant chap chapel chapter char charge chariot charity charm chart chase chat cheap check checkers cheek cheer cheese cheetah chef cherry chess chest chew chick chicken chief child chili chime chimp chin china chip chisel chocolate choice choose chop chore chose church | clad claim clairvoyant clam clambake clamber clammy clamor clamp clamshell clan clandestine clap clapper clarify clarinet clarity clash clasp class classic classical classification classify classmate classroom clause claustrophobia clavichord claw clay clean cleanse clear clearance cleat cleaver clef cleft clench clergy clerical clerk clever click client cliff climate climb cling clinic clink clip clipboard clique cloak clobber clock clockwise clod clog clone clop close closet clot clothes clothespin cloud clout clover clown cloy club cluck clue clump clumsy clunky cluster clutch clutter | crab crack cracker crackle crackpot cradle crafts crag cram cramp cranberry crane cranefly cranium cranky cranny crash crass crate crater crave crawfish crawl crayfish crayon craze crazy creak cream crease create creature credence credit creed creek creep creepy crepe crescent cress crest crew crewcut crib cricket cries crime criminal crimp cringe crinkle crippling crisis crisp crisscross criteria critical criticize critter croak crochet crocodile crocus crone crook crooked crop croquet cross crosswalk crossword crouch crow crowd crown cruel cruise crumb crumpet crunch crust crutch crux cry crypt cryptic crystal | drab draft drag dragon dragonfly dragoon drain drake dram drama dramatic drank drape drapery drastic draw drawbridge drawer drawl drawn dread dreadful dreadnought dreadlocks dream dreary dredge dregs dreidel drench dress dresser drew dribble drier drift driftwood drill drink drip drive drivel driven driver driveway drizzle drole drool dromedary drone drool droop drop drought drove droves drown drowsy drudgery drug druggist drum drunk dry dry | flab flabbergasted flag flagship flail flair flake flamboyant flame flamingo flan flank flannel flap flapjacks flare flash flashcard flask flat flatter flaunt flavor flaw flax flay flea fleck fled fledge fleece fleet flesh flex flicker flier flight flimflam flimsy flinch fling flint flip flipbook flipper flit float flock floe flog flood floodlight floor flop Florida florist floss flotilla flounder flour flourish flow flower flown flu flub fluctuate flue fluent fluffy fluid fluke flung flunk flush flute flutter flux fly flyswatter |
fr | gl | gr | pl | pr | sc |
fraction fragile fragment fragrant frail frame frank frantic fraud fray free freeze freezer freight French horn frenzy frequent fresh fret friction friend frighten frill fringe frisk frock frog frolic from frond front frontier frost froth frothy frown frozen frugal fruit frumpy frustrate fry | glacier glad glade gladiator gladiolus glamorous glamor glance gland glare glass glasses glaze gleam glean glee glen glib glid glide glider glimmer glimpse glint glisten glitch glitter glitz gloat glob global globalization globe globetrotter globular glom gloomy glorify glory glossary glossy glove glow glower glucose glue glum glut glutes glutton gluttony | grab grace graceful gracious grad grade gradual graduate graffiti graft graham grain gram grammar grand grandchild grandfather grandmother grandparent granite grant granular grapefruit grapes graph grasp grass grasshopper grassland grate grateful grater gratitude grave gravel graveyard gravity gravy gray graze grease great grebe greedy Greek green greet greeting grew grey greyhound grid griddle gridiron gridlock grief grieving grill grim grimace grime grin grind grip gripe gristle grit grits grizzly groan grocery groggy groin groom groove groovy grope gross grotesque grotto grouch grouchy ground groundhog group grouse grout grove grovel grow growl grown grownup growth grub grudge gruesome gruff grumble grumpy grunt | place placid plagiarize plague plaid plain plan plane planet plank plankton plant plantain plantation planter plaque plasma plaster plastic plate plateau platform platitude platter platypus play playground plaza plea plead pleasant please pleasure pleat pled pledge plenty pliant pliers plight plod plop plot plover plow pluck plug plum plumb plumber plume plummet plump plunder plunger plural plus plush Pluto ply plywood | prairie prance pray precipitation precious precise precocious predict preposition present president press pretzel prey price pride prim primary prime prince princess principal principle prize probe problem project pronoun prior private prism prison privacy privilege prize pro probably proceed prod prom prong pronoun prop propeller proper proton protractor proud prove proverb prow prune pry | scab scabbard scads scaffold scald scale scalene scallop scalp scalpel scaly scam scamper scan scandal scanner scant scapegoat scar scarab scare scarecrow scarf scarlet scary scathing scatter scavenger scenario scene scenery scenic scent scepter sceptic science scientific scientist scimitar scintilla scintillate scissors scoff scofflaw scold sconce scoop scoot scope scorch score scorn scorpion scot scotch scour scout scowl scuba scuff scuffle sculptor sculpture scum scurrilous scurry scurvy scute scythe |
sh | sk | sl | sm | sn | sp | st |
shack shade shadow shake shall sham shampoo shamrock shape share shark she sheep shelf shell shepherd shine shiny ship shirt shock shoddy shoot shop shore short shot should shoulder shout shovel show shower shuck shudder shunt shut | skate skateboard skatepark skedaddle skeet skein skeletal skeleton skeptic sketch sketchbook skew skewer ski skid skiff skill skillet skim skimobile skimp skimpy skin skink skinny skip skipjack skipper skirmish skirt skit skittish skittle skivvy skiwear skull skullcap skullduggery skulk skunk sky skydive skylark skyline skylight skyrocket skyscraper skywriting | slab slack slain slam slant slap slash slat slave slaw slay sled sleek sleep sleeping bag sleet sleeve sleigh slender slice slick slid slide slim slime slip slippers slit sloth slob slop slot slough slow slug slum slump | smack small smallpox smarmy smart smash smattering smear smell smelt smidgen smile smilodon smirk smite smith smitten smock smog smoke smokescreen smolder smooch smooth smoothie smorgasbord smother smudge smug smuggle smush | snack snag snail snake snap snapdragon snapper snapshot snare snarl snatch snazzy sneak sneaker sneer sneeze snicker snide sniff sniffle snip snipe sniper snippers snippy snit snivel snob snood snooker snoop snooty snooze snore snorkel snort snot snout snow snowball snowboard snowcap snowflake snowmobile snowplow snowshoe snub snuck snuff snug snuggle snugly | spa space spacecraft spacious spackle spade spaghetti Spain spam span spandex spank spar spare spareribs spark sparkle sparkler sparrow sparse spartan spasm spat spatial spatter spatula spawn speak spear special species specific specify specimen speckle spectacle spectacular spectator speculate sped speech speed spell spend spew spice spider spiffy spigot spike spill spin spinach spinal spine spiral spire spirit spit spite spoil spoke sponge sponsor spoof spooky spool spoon spore sports spot spotlight spouse spout spud spun spunk spur spurn spurt sputnik sputter spy | stab stable stack stadium staff stag stage stagger stair stake stalactite stalagmite stale stalk stall stallion stamp stand stapler star static steak steam stem step steep stick sticker sting stomach stone stool stoop stop store storm story stove student stub stud stump stun |
sw | th | tr | tw | wh | wr |
swab swaddle swagger swallow swallowtail swam swami swamp swan swanky swansong swap swarm swashbuckler swat sway swear sweat sweater sweatshirt sweep sweepstake sweet swell sweltering swept swerve swift swim swimsuit swindle swine swing swingset swipe swirl swish Swiss switch swivel swizzle swollen swoon swoop swoosh sword swordfish sworn swum swung | than thank thanksgiving thaw that the their them then there therefore thermometer these they they're thick thief thigh thimble thin thing think third thirsty thirteen thirty this thorax thorn thorough those though thought thousand thud thumb thump thunder Thursday thus | trace trachea track tract traction tractor trade tradition traffic tragedy tragic trail trailer train trait traitor tram tramp trample trance tranquil transfer transform transit translate transmit transparent transport trap trapeze trash travel tray tread treasure treat treble tree trek triangle trim trinket trip triplets trod troll trolley trombone trot trout truck trumpet trunk | twang t'was tweak tweed tween tweet tweeze tweezers twelfth twelve twenty twerp twice twiddle twig twilight twill twin twine twinge twinkle twirl twist twister twit twixt | whale wharf what wheat wheel wheelbarrow wheelchair wheeze whelp when where whereby wherefore wherewithal whet whetstone whether whew whey which whiff whig while whim whimper whimsical whine whinny whip whiplash whippersnapper whippet whippoorwill whir whirl whirligig whirlpool whirlwind whisk whisker whiskey whisper whist whistle whistleblower whit white whiteboard whitecap whiteout whitewash whittle whiz whoa whooping whoosh whorl why | wrack wraith wrangle wrap wraparound wrapper wrath wreath wreck wreckage wrecker wren wrench wrestle wretched wriggle wring wrinkle wrist wristwatch writ write writhe writing written wrong wrongful wrote wrought wrung wry |
Một số từ bắt đầu bằng 3 âm ghép còn được gọi là trigraphs:
sch | scr | shr | sph | spl | spr | squ | str | thr |
schedule schematic scheme scherzo schism schizophrenic schlep schlock schmooze scholar scholarship scholastic school schoolroom schooner schwa | scram scramble scrap scrapbook scrape scrappy scratch scrawl scrawny scream screech screen screenwriter screw screwball screwdriver scribble scribe scrimmage scrimp scrimshaw scrip script scripture scroll scrooge scrounge scrub scruffy scrunch scruples scrutinize scrutiny | shrank shrapnel shred shrew shrewd shriek shrift shrill shrimp shrine shrink shrivel shroud shrub shrug shrunk | sphagnum sphere spherical spheroid sphincter sphinx | splash splashdown splat splatter splay spleen splendid splendor splice splint splinter split splotchy splurge splurt splutter | sprain sprang sprawl spray spread spreadsheet spree sprig spring springboard springbok springtime sprinkle sprinkler sprint sprite spritz spritzer sprocket sprout spruce sprung spry | squab squabble squad squadron squalid squall squalor squander square squash squat squawk squeak squeal squeamish squeegee squeeze squelch squib squid squiggle squint squire squirm squirrel squirt squish | straight strain strait strand strange strap straw strawberry stray streak stream street strength stress stretch stress stretch strict stride string stripe strobe stroke stroll strong struck strum strung strut | thrash thread threat three thresher threw thrice thrift thriller thrive throat throb throne throng throttle through throw thrush |
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Cập nhập lần cuối cùng lúc 8:30h ngày 30 tháng 10 2012
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